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Image by Nick Scheerbart



Guest Speaker: Susan Wisehart, M.S., NCSP, CHt, LMFT

January 9, 2016

Psychotherapist, Hynotherapist, Past-Life Regressionist, Studied with Brian Weiss and Michael Newton, Author of Soul Visioning…. Experience a GROUP PAST-LIFE REGRESSION on this date!


Guest Speaker: Susan Dolan, RN, JD

February 13, 2016

Expert in end of life planning; Author of "The End of Life Advisor", Hospice nurse, lawyer. Every single one of us needs to hear this message....


Movies, Movies, Movies

March 12, 2016

Two Fabulous Full-length Feature Films. Both of these movies are entertaining and informative…Bring your own popcorn…no intermission. First movie begins promptly at 2 pm.


Guest Speaker: Julie Payne

April 9, 2016

Healing with advanced radionics does it work? She is a stunning healer and will give a demonstration with the CoRe (Co-Resonance) machine...


Guest Speaker: Ann Frances Ellis, M.Div, PhD

May 14, 2016

NDEr; Author of Revelations of Profound Love; Tulsa, OK, IANDS Leader;


Guest Speaker: Vincent Genna, MSW, LLC

June 11, 2016

"The Real Deal" World Reknown Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher; formerly professional actor and singer.


Guest Speaker: Joanne Koenig-Macko

July 9, 2016

3 NDEs; Internationally known spiritual artist, coach, author, lecturer and teacher.


Guest Speaker: Debra Diamond

August 13, 2016

NDEr, Psychic, Medium, Medical Intuitive, Author of "Life After Near Death: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Transformation in the Extraordinary Lives of People with Newfound Powers."


Guest Speaker: Eben Alexander, MD

September 10, 2016

NDEr, Neurosurgeon, Author, had amazing Near-Death Experience...Resulting in his presentation on Sacred Acoustics with Karen Newell. HE WILL BEGIN AT 2 PM. Don't be late! (No sharing today.)

Rev Terri Daniels

Guest Speaker: Rev Terri Daniel, MA, CT

October 8, 2016

Author, Educator, End-of-Life Advisor, Intuitive Counselor


Grief Workshop & Gallery Mediumship Readings: Rev. Terri Daniel and Thomas John

October 9, 2016

GRIEF AS A MYSTICAL JOURNEY, Sacred Practices for Transforming Loss into Light.


Guest Speaker: Capt. Robert L. Snow

November 12, 2016

Detective, Author, formerly J. Carroll Beckwith (1852-1917), a well-respected figure in American art


Guest Speaker: Lisa Dietlin

December 10, 2016

Author of "I Got Hit by a Taxi" and 5 other books, NDEr, Founder and President of the Institute for Transformational Philanthropy.

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You are encouraged to share the information at this web site with other people, as long as you do not charge for it.


Chicago IANDS is an IL 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.

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