Guest Speaker: Susan Dolan, RN, JD
February 13, 2016
Expert in end of life planning; Author of "The End of Life Advisor", Hospice nurse, lawyer. Every single one of us needs to hear this message....
Since no one can predict the moment of death and because final days on earth are often spent in diminished awareness, the time to decide, document and discuss end of life choices is now. When end of life wishes are discussed and documented in advance, what remains is the business of the heart: expressing love and gratitude, asking for and offering forgiveness, completing old business, making peace with a higher power and saying good-bye.
Over the last twenty years, Susan R. Dolan, RN, JD, has guided hundreds of patients and families through a discussion of important life and death issues regarding advance directives, artificial administration of nutrition and fluids, artificial ventilation, pain management and how to have conversations about end-of-life care, as well as an opportunity to think about and plan how to make your transition an expression of the real you.
Ms. Dolan is a registered nurse, a licensed attorney, a certified mediator and an active healthcare consultant. She has also practiced healthcare and corporate law and has worked with hospice since 1995.
Susan is coauthor of *The End-of-Life Advisor: Personal, Legal and Medical Considerations for a Peaceful, Dignified Death,* winner of an *American Journal of Nursing* Book of the Year Award. She appeared in the film, *Consider the Conversation: a documentary on a taboo subject,* and is also a Reiki Master and a certified Akashic Record practitioner.
Susan will be giving private 60 minute consultations for three days after her presentation for Chicago IANDS. These sessions will be addressing your individual you an opportunity to create a power of attorney for healthcare, a living will, an ethical will, or to explore options for palliative care and/or hospice for yourself or a loved one.
This can potentially save you hundreds of dollars in legal fees and other counseling costs, as well as give you some peace of mind about the death process.
Watch for an email announcing these sessions in mid-January, 2016....
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