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Image by Nick Scheerbart

Guest Speaker: Sue Storm


November 11, 2006

"The Angel Lady", 2 NDEs, author of 2 books---communicates with Angels and the Spirits of those passed...

Sue Storm, The Angel Lady, is an Angelic Advisor, inspirational speaker,
prosperity consultant, and the author of *Angel First Aid: Rx for
Miracles* and <i> Angel First Aid: Rx for Success.</i>

The Angel Lady is best known for her incredible gift that allows her to
deliver messages from the Angels to help people find peace, joy, and
direction. Through her books, presentations, private sessions, and guest
appearances on radio and television, she gives people the names of their
own Guardian Angels and provides divine guidance.

Sue Storm is an author, motivational speaker and consultant specializing
in Angel communication. She has made numerous appearances on television
and radio, as well as being featured in Chicago newspapers. With the use
of Angelic Guidance, Sue has successfully shown hundreds of individuals
how to transform their lives.

\"Everyone has unique gifts. My special talents include the ability to
see, hear and communicate with Angels. Over the past fifteen years, I
have been privileged to teach thousands of individuals how to connect
and communicate with their Angels.

My history with the Angels began at the age of eighteen months, when I
had a near-death experience. Flashing white objects appeared close to
the ceiling and I knew I would be saved. I later learned that those
flying white objects were Angels.

Years later, I heard a booming voice call out, \'Sue, you have to help
people!\' My reply was \'Yes, God what do you want me to do?\' Following
the Divine Plan, the Angels have kept me very busy since then---doing
interviews, lectures, seminars, writing and counseling. \"

Sue also has the ability to instantly connect with souls who have
passed, which allows her to bring comforting information to those left

For more info, visit her web site: [ **][1]


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