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Image by Nick Scheerbart

Guest Speaker: Albert Taylor, Ph.D.


February 11, 2006

Former Aeronautical Engineer/scientist who was involved in NASA's International Space Station program. Author of "Soul Traveler."

Born and raised in Southern California, Albert Taylor performed
development engineering on a top secret program which has since become
known as the F-117A Stealth Fighter. He evaluated satellite system
designs in support of former President Reagan\'s Strategic Defense
Initiative (SDI) or Star Wars. During the late 1980\'s Taylor taught
Logistics Engineering at Cerritos College, California. He has also
served as a volunteer art instructor at St. Paul\'s Elementary School in
West Los Angeles. Taylor\'s art work has been exhibited in Southern
California galleries. In 1992 he developed two prototype computers, and
started a company called Phoenix Computers Systems, which he still owns

After a myriad of paranormal events, and as a result of a spiritual
awakening, Taylor left behind nearly two decades of work as an
aeronautical engineer/scientist, to author and publish his book, Soul
Traveler. Taylor is currently a metaphysical researcher, teacher,
lecturer and artist. He is an active member of International Association
of Near Death Studies, Inc. (IANDS) and a participant in the Monroe
Institute\'s On-line Email Voyagers program.

Dr. Taylor will offer 1hr private sessions to learn how to have an OBE
on Sunday and Monday, February 12 and 13, $95. Call 847.251.5758 for
more info and/or appt.

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