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Image by Nick Scheerbart

Guest Speaker: Yvonne Kason, MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP

December 14, 2019

5 NDEs, Author, A dramatic near-death experience changed Yvonne Kason's life forever and prompted her study of the mystical experiences that fall beyond the everyday, from Toronto.

Dr. Yvonne Kason MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is an internationally renowned medical expert on Near-Death Experiences and other Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs), who has had five Near-Death Experiences and multiple STEs herself.

A pioneer in the field of spirituality in health-care, she is a family physician and transpersonal psychotherapist [retired], author, public speaker, and media resource, previously on faculty at the University of Toronto. Propelled by a powerful Near-Death Experience (NDE) in a 1979 airplane crash, she began to research NDEs, and in 1990 she became the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize their medical practice in the research and counseling of patients with NDEs and other STEs.

Dr. Kason is a current board member of IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and a member of ACISTE, the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences. Dr. Kason was cofounder of the Kundalini Research Network, the Canadian Coordinator of the Spiritual Emergence Network, the founder of the Spiritual Emergence Research and Referral Clinic in Toronto, and co-founder of the Spirituality in Health-Care Network.

She has five published books, her most recent just released, Touched by the Light: Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences, (2019). Her previous book Farther Shores, (2000, 2008) is considered a classic in the field of STEs.

Dr. Yvonne Kason has extensive media and public speaking experience worldwide. She has made over 100 professional presentations. Dr. Kason was an invited TV talk show guest on: The Dr Oz Show, The Pamela Wallin Show, the Dini Petty Show, City Line, Bynon, Canada AM, CBC’s The Journal, CBC’s The Journal Magazine, The Medicine Show, The Jane Hawtin Show, CBC at 6, Lunch TV, Person to Person, Question and Answer, and several other cable network television interview shows.

She has been interviewed for three television documentaries, three documentary films, many radio talk shows, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and internet podcasts. Her 1979 plane crash Near-Death Experience was re-enacted on Sightings and in two documentaries.

Many of Dr. Kason’s recent interviews and presentations are posted online. These include:

Phil Bolsta, SHIFT Network interview, posted November 26, 2018,

Nicole Gruel, Australia, interview July 11, 2018,

Ron James, IANDS, July 3, 2018,

Posted January 27, 2018, Portuguese reading of my 1979 NDE per Farther Shores, Brazilian YouTube program on Near-Death Experiences, host/producer Carlos Mendes. First in a series of four postings/episodes. ,

Posted March 10, 2018, Brazilian YouTube program on Near-Death Experiences, host/producer Carlos Mendes. ,

Posted April 7, 2018, Brazilian YouTube program on Near-Death Experiences, host/producer Carlos Mendes. ,

Posted May 5, 2018, Brazilian YouTube program on Near-Death Experiences, host/producer Carlos Mendes. ,

August 5, 2017, presentation, “Purifying the Heart: How the Love and Light of NDEs Leads to personal growth and Healing”, (IANDS) annual conference, Denver, Colorado.

December 9, 2017, keynote presentation, “Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences”, Chicago IANDS, Chicago, IL.

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