Guest Speaker: Barbara Bartolome

December 8, 2018
Founder and Group Leader of IANDS Santa Barbara, NDEr....an amazing, loving Spirit!!!
Barbara Bartolome will share the story about her 1987 Near-Death Experience during a medical procedure in a hospital, the evening before she was scheduled for back surgery.
Although she completely validated her experience by telling the medical team what they said and did during her resuscitation, none of the hospital staff would talk with her about it. At the time, she didn’t even know what an NDE was, so she chose not to speak about it for many years.
Barbara opened up to her NDE in 2009 and soon made an amazing discovery, which she will also share! She has appeared and talked about her experiences on TV and radio shows, in news articles, podcasts, and documentaries, at conferences and seminars, and in front of audiences all over the U.S.
Barbara is retired from the University of California, Santa Barbara and was named Santa Barbara’s Businesswoman of the Year in 2004, for creating, opening, and operating a wonderful paper arts store in downtown Santa Barbara.
Join us as Barbara relates some of her amazing life experiences and tells us how finally assimilating her NDE story into her life has altered it in beautiful and amazing ways!