Guest Speaker: Yvonne Kason, MD

December 9, 2017
4 NDEs, Author, A dramatic near-death experience changed Yvonne Kason's life forever and prompted her study of the mystical experiences that fall beyond the everyday, from Toronto.
Dr. Yvonne Kason is a medical doctor who has had 4 Near-Death Experiences and who has 38 years experience researching and counseling persons who had Near-Death and other Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). STEs include NDEs, Mystical Experiences, Kundalini Awakening, Psychic Experiences, and Inspired Creativity.
She is the person who first coined the phrase “Spiritually Transformative Experiences“ in 1994, to describe how the love and light of NDEs and other STEs tend to transform the experiencer, changing them in a more spiritual direction. She describes her NDE in a 1979 plane crash, and her subsequent research into STEs and their profound long-term after-effects in her inspiring and educational book *Farther Shores*.
Her talk is entitled: **Exploring Spiritually Transformative Experiences: How Near-Death, Kundalini, and Mystical Experiences Changed my Life, and Transform Other Experiencers’ Lives!**
This is very important information for all experiencers, their counselors, and their families.
Using the model of “Purifying the Heart”, Dr. Kason will outline the 5 progressive spiritual stages that STE experiencers grow through after their spiritual awakening and as after-effects of STEs. This beautiful model is based on Dr. Kason’s many years of clinical experience researching and counseling STErs, and the model as described by Swami Sri Yukteswar in *The Holy Science*.
Dr. Kason will share the dramatic stories of her own 4 Near-Death Experiences and kundalini awakening as case examples, to show how the loving light of NDEs and other STEs can propel experiencers forward onto their next spiritual life-stage. The changing psychological and spiritual focus in the 5 stages will be outlined so that this model can be used as a roadmap by STErs and their counselors alike.
Dr. Yvonne Kason BSc, MD, MEd, CCFP, FCFP, is an internationally renowned medical expert on Near-Death Experiences, Kundalini, and Spiritually Transformative Experiences. A pioneer in the field of Spirituality in Health Care, she co-founded the Spirituality in Health Care Network in 2000, and chaired the University of Toronto’s first international conference on Spirituality and Health Care in 2002. She founded the Spiritual Emergence Research and Referral Clinic in 1992, and was a co-founder of the Kundalini Research Network in 1990.
Dr. Yvonne Kason MD is a family physician and Transpersonal Psychotherapist, currently retired. She was an assistant professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and on staff at three Toronto teaching hospitals. She was the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her practice on the research and counseling patients of who had Near-Death Experiences, and other Spiritually Transformative Experiences. She is the author of four books, and has more than 20 published articles.
Dr. Kason retired from medical practice after a Traumatic Brain Injury in November 2003. Following a spontaneous brain healing in February 2016, a miracle of neuroplasticity, Dr. Kason has now resumed writing and making professional and media presentations regarding her extensive personal and professional experience with NDEs and STEs.
Dr. Kason is a mother and devoted long time practitioner of yoga meditation. She speaks three languages, English, German, and French, and divides her time between living in Toronto, Canada, and Encinitas, California.
About Yvonne Kason's book: *Farther Shores*:
A dramatic near-death experience during a frightening airplane crash in an arctic blizzard changed Yvonne Kason’s life forever and prompted her study of the mystical experiences that fall beyond the everyday. In *Farther Shores*, Dr. Kason shares the story of her NDE, and explores a wide range of Spiritually Transformative Experiences – Near-Death Experiences, mystical experiences, spiritual energy/kundalini episodes, psychic awakenings and spontaneous inspired creativity – by sharing fascinating real-life stories.
*Farther Shores* is an inspiring book for those who have experiences beyond the extraordinary and for the health care professionals to whom they turn for help. Dr. Kason offers sound advice on how to use these occurrences for spiritual growth and personal healing.
“…an exceptional book…[that] takes the reader into a world where mystical happenings bring direction and healing to our everyday lives.” – Jyoti (Jeneane Prevatt, Ph.D.)
Former Director of the Spiritual Emergence Network,
Author of *An Angel Called My Name*
“… a major contribution to our understanding of a wide range of spiritually transformative experiences…. Kason is a wise and knowledgeable guide in these realms, and I can recommend her book with the greatest enthusiasm.” – Kenneth Ring, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Connecticut,
Author of *Healing Toward Omega* and *Lessons from the Light*
“…builds a bridge between the scientific and the spiritual, a bridge physicians will feel comfortable crossing.” – *Family Practice*