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Image by Nick Scheerbart

Guest Speaker: Vincent Genna, MSW

April 8, 2017

Return Engagement! "The Real Deal" World Reknown Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher; formerly professional actor and singer.

Vincent Genna is a triple power Psychic Medium – an authentic and gifted psychic medium, with the knowledge and experience of a psychotherapist, and the big, charming personality of a showman.

Much more than a parlor room performer entertaining the audience with messages from the other side, Genna is a results-oriented “solutions” Psychic Medium who tunes into your soul, guides, angelic, deceased loved ones, and spirit dimension for guiding messages. He is then able to decipher how you are blocking yourself from your connection to your higher self and the Divine, give you the solutions to remove those blockages, and empowers you to heal your illness, imbalance, or lack. He also has the remarkable ability to instill strong self-belief, and inspire you to recognize and apply your Divine self.

Television and radio LOVE Vincent. Thousands around the world heard his powerful interviews on Hay House Radio, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, and Raleigh’s WRAL Mix 101.5 FM. Major national TV appearances include The Better Show, Gaiam TV’s Beyond Belief, and the Hallmark Channel’s Home and Family. He's become a beloved regular on Raleigh's My Carolina Today. In addition, Vincent is also a regular guest on Chicago’s You and Me This Morning, while they air specially filmed segments featuring Vincent “healing” famous haunted places throughout the Chicago area. 

Vincent’s life experience, extraordinary psychic gifts and authenticity have allowed him to inspire and transform the lives of thousands of people from Ireland, to Australia, to Vietnam, to Russia, to Switzerland.

His advanced Medium work and training has been with James Van Praagh, and recently with Tony Stockwell and other world foremost Medium experts, at the Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Sciences in England. Vincent transcended a youth of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and torment, and dedicates all his talents to transform lives by empowering people to believe in themselves and use all their Divine gifts to fulfill their dreams and create the lives they desire and deserve.

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