Guest Speaker: Debbi Rosales, RN

May 13, 2017
NDEr; Healer, God Conversationalist. Uplifting stories of direct guidance from God....
When you arrive at Debbi Rosales’ house, you are met by her two rescue Sheltie’s, one of which is missing a patch of fur on one side. She explains that the dog was diagnosed with an aggressive and incurable cancerous tumor in 2015. Debbi and her husband, David, in conjunction with God, utilized their healing abilities on her and the tumor disappeared and is now in remission. Only the still growing hair over the site is indicative of some previous problem.
When she was 6 years old, Debbie Rosales went to heaven as the result of a serious illness. Since that day, she has been “connected” to God, hearing messages on a regular basis and following instructions to help others improve their lives. The “God Jobs” as she calls them, are often quite profound and healing and are usually performed for strangers.
She is a Holy Fire Reiki Master, and works also with Crystal Bowls, using sound and vibration to heal a multitude of physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges for people. She is assisted in her work by her husband David, who is also a Reiki Master and her guides, in particular Babaji, who is always with her.
Hearing the call to service early, Debbi became a Registered Nurse for 28 years, including 17 years in the ICU. In February, 2016, she was told it was time to stop working for the hospital and start working for God. Since then she has been working her way towards establishing a healing center where her healing gifts can be fully utilized. She expects to have classes, healing sessions and spiritual retreats with various practitioners in her new center.
Debbi was born and raised in Joliet, IL, where she received her nursing credentials from Joliet Junior College and Lewis University. She raised a family of four children and is now enjoying her six grandchildren while continuing her tutelage in “God Jobs”.