Guest Speaker: Michael Tamura

June 8, 2013
3 NDEs; Celebrated Spiritual Teacher, Visionary Clairvoyant & Award-Winning Author of YOU ARE THE ANSWER
Michael Tamura lives the miracle: Spiritually aware from childhood, he sees everyone the way they are as immortal souls. To guide thousands to their healing, awakening, and true life purpose, he draws from years of intensive training, profound past-life recall, nightly out-of-the-body teaching sojourns, and a lifetime of extraordinary experiences, including having physically died twice in full consciousness.
Born and raised in Japan, yet educated in American schools, Michael has spent a lifetime bridging gaps: Not only between East and West, but between men and women, the young and old, heart and soul, life and the afterlife---and, above all, between humanity and divinity. He is beloved around the world as a spiritual teacher, visionary clairvoyant, and pioneer of healing and psychic development.
He has been featured on CNN, NBC's The Leeza Show, Bridging Heaven & Earth, The Aware Show, Hay House Radio, World Puja Network, and many other media programs. He was also included in ABCNews' The Century: America's Time with Peter Jennings. Currently in production is a documentary film featuring Michael and his three profound death experiences.
A long-time champion for a soul-centered education, healing, and parenting of children and youth, Michael was a guest expert in the film, *The Indigo Evolution* and has been a contributing writer for the Childen of the New Earth Magazine and other publications. He also wrote the final chapter, "Nourishing the Soul of the Psychic Child" in James Twyman's book, *Messages From Thomas: Raising Psychic Children.* He serves as a consultant to CosmiKids and for other pioneers in the education and healing of children.
Today, the award-winning author of YOU ARE THE ANSWER, is working on his latest book, *THREE TIMES DEAD and What It Taught Me: A Journey Into the Heart of Wisdom*,
as he continues to provide psychic tools and spiritual practices to illuminate the way home
for awakening souls. His teachings are offered through his acclaimed seminars, teleclass courses, writing, media appearances, special events, and audio products. For Michael, every step in life offers an opportunity for healing, miracles, and the fulfillment of one's divine purpose.
Michael Tamura has died three times - and returned each time with more of life to share. Although there are a growing number of case studies of those who have returned to physical life after their clinical deaths, few, if any, had been living aware of themselves as immortal souls, regularly teaching out-of-the-body spiritually, and practicing how to die correctly for years prior to their death or near-death experiences. Michael had been consciously doing all of these things and more as a spiritual teacher, healer, and clairvoyant visionary for over 32 years by the time that he had his first experience of physically dying in 2006.
On August 10, 2011, while he was at his gym working out on the elliptical machine, he dropped dead for his third time - his heart just stopped. The first medical responder later told him that he had less than a 4% chance of survival even after the paramedics were able to kick-start his heart some ten minutes after he was found on the floor without a pulse. While Michael was in emergency surgery, doctors, nurses, and even a priest told his wife that if he should survive, he would not be the same man she knew - he would be brain damaged. Only a faith healer, a friend, coming out of a deep prayer healing session
told his wife, “The Holy Spirit said that Michael will return with no brain damage at all.”
Michael Tamura did return for a third time, mentally not only intact, but, even more aware and inspired. When first asked what he would like to say to everyone awaiting word from him, he laughed and said, “The body gets all the press, but, it’s the spirit that matters.” He will surely bring much wit and wisdom into his inspiring talk on choosing how to die, the practice of dying, and what it means to live the miracle as an immortal soul while we are still incarnated in this world.
For more information, see http://www.michaeltamura.com/