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Image by Nick Scheerbart

Dr. Eben Alexander III, MD

March 10, 2012

NDEr, Neurosurgeon, Author, has an amazing Near-Death Experience

Eben Alexander III MD has been an academic neurosurgeon for the last 25
years, including 15 years at Harvard Medical School. He dealt with
hundreds of patients suffering from alterations in their level of
consciousness, none of whom was able to provide much insight concerning
their experience.

In the predawn hours of Nov. 10, 2008, he became a comatose patient. For
reasons still obscure, he was overcome by bacterial meningitis, rendered
comatose on a ventilator in the ICU within hours. His physicians were
stunned to find that the culprit was E. coli, which never causes
meningitis in patients over 3 months of age unless they were infected in
a neurosurgical procedure (which he had not been). After 6 days on
triple antibiotics, showing no response, with little neurological
function remaining, his physicians had few words of encouragement for
his family.

On day seven, he opened his eyes, to the surprise of all! However, his
earliest recollections were strange and involved no recall of his life
before coma. Like a newborn, he had no functioning language, nor
knowledge of this world, our culture, or loved ones surrounding him.

Memories from the time in coma were inexplicable. The purest and most
extraordinary part of his journey happened deep in coma. His entire
neocortex, that outer surface of the brain that makes us human, was
totally disengaged by the meningitis. How was it possible for that rich
experience to originate in his brain?

His story offers a critical key to the understanding of consciousness,
spirituality and human existence. The human part of his brain, the
neocortex, died for a week. In the midst of that, he had an
extraordinary experience that could not have occurred in his brain,
given our current understanding of neuroscience.

The implications are mind-boggling! In analyzing the scientific
possibilities and grand implications, he sees a more complete
reconciliation of modern science and spirituality as a natural product.
He has been blessed with a complete recovery, and is now writing a book
about his most powerful, life-changing story.

For more information, please go to: [


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