Guest Speaker: Barbara Harris Whitfield

December 11, 2010
NDEr, Author, Thanatologist, Teacher and Therapist
Barbara Harris Whitfield is the author of many published articles and
six books: *Full Circle*, *Spiritual Awakenings*, *Final Passage*, <i>
The Power of Humility </i>, *The Natural Soul* and *Victim to Survivor
and Thriver: Carol\'s Story*.
She is a thanatologist (thanatology is the study of death and dying),
workshop presenter, near-death experiencer and therapist in private
practice in Atlanta, Georgia. She was on the faculty of Rutgers
University\'s Summer School for Alcohol and Drug Studies for 12 years.
Barbara spent six years researching the aftereffects of the near-death
experience (NDE) at the University of Connecticut Medical School. She
was a member of the executive board of the Kundalini Research Network
and has sat on the executive board of the International Association for
Near-Death Studies. She is a consulting editor and contributor for the
Journal of Near-Death Studies.
Barbara has been a guest on major television talk shows including Larry
King Live, The Today Show, Unsolved Mysteries, Good Morning America,
Oprah, and CNN Medical News. She is a member of the Author\'s Guild.
For more information and an impressive list of Mrs. Whitfield\'s
qualifications, please go to: [ *http://www.cbwhit.com/*][1] and click
on \"Barbara Whitfield\'s Homepage\", then \"Bio\".
[1]: http://www.cbwhit.com/