Guest Speakers: Dr. Peter Fenwick & Susan Wisehart

October 11, 2008
A DOUBLE FEATURE! Dr. Peter Fenwick, from London, England, one of the world's leading NDE researchers, and the unveiling of Susan Wisehart's new book---and participation in a soul-guided journey to your ideal future! What a day!
Our meeting will introduce TWO NEW BOOKS by TWO FABULOUS AUTHORS. Dr.
Peter Fenwick will be introducing his new book, *The Art of
Dying*(Continuum Books, NY) (written with his wife, Elizabeth) and Susan
Wisehart will introduce her new book, <i>Soul Visioning: Clear the Past,
Create Your Future\" </i>(Llwellyn Worldwide). Don\'t miss this exciting
A neuropsychiatrist and fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists,
Peter Fenwick is a leading clinical authority on near-death experiences.
He has analyzed more than 300 of these life-altering events in the
course of four decades of research and is highly regarded both by
medical colleagues and by the media for his knowledge of this subject.
In 1996, Dr. Fenwick became a consulting neuropsychiatrist emeritus to
the Epilepsy Unit at the Maudsley Hospital, which he ran for twenty
years. He is also chairman of the Scientific and Medical Network, a
group of doctors and scientists seeking to deepen understanding in
science and medicine by fostering intuitive as well as rational
insights. He has had a longstanding interest in brain function, the
relationship of the mind and the brain, and the “problem” of
consciousness. He has an extensive research record and has published
over 200 papers in medical and scientific journals on brain function and
also several papers on meditation and altered states of consciousness.
With over 240 papers in medical and scientific journals to his credit,
Fenwick has also coauthored three popular books with his wife, Elizabeth
Fenwick: *The Truth in the Light* (1997), *Past Lives: An Investigation
into Reincarnation Memories* (1999), and *The Hidden Door: Understanding
and Controlling Dreams* (1999).
Susan Wisehart will take you on a soul-guided journey into your ideal
future to envision and create in holographic time—where all realities
exist—your ideal future in the areas of work, career, relationships,
finances, health and spirituality. This process uses higher soul
guidance, the part of your mind that is lucid, wise, creative and
inspired. Learn about tools to clear the unconscious limiting beliefs
that sabotage your soul\'s vision for your life.
Susan Wisehart has a master’s degree in psychology and over 30 years of
professional experience. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family
Therapist, a Holistic Psychotherapist, Nationally Certified School
Psychologist, and Certified Hypnotherapist.
In her private practice with clients, Susan uses traditional and
non-traditional approaches to help her clients to heal body, mind, and
spirit. She is the developer of Soul VisioningTM, a guided process
whereby clients access higher Soul guidance to envision and create their
ideal future in holographic time (where all potentials exist
simultaneously). Susan uses psycho-spiritual and holistic approaches in
assisting her clients to clear the unconscious patterns and cellular
memories from past lives and this life, to more deeply connect with
their True Self as a Soul. These methods include hypnotherapy, Energy
Psychology (EMDR, EFT, HMR, WHEE), and both past-life and
Life-Between-Lives spiritual regression, integrated with more
traditional approaches.
Susan received certification in Life-Between- Lives regressions from
Michael Newton, PhD, author of *Journey of Souls* and *Destiny of
Specializing in Past-Life Regression Therapy, Susan trained with
psychiatrist Brian Weiss, MD, author of *Many Lives, Many Masters*, and
in England with Jungian analyst Roger Woolger, PhD, author of *Other
Lives, Other Selves*. She completed the Certified Advanced International
Training Program with the Association for Past Life Research and
Therapies. Susan has participated in Past Life Regression seminars
presented by Helen Wambach, Henry Leo Bolduc, Winifred Lucas, and other
leaders in the field.
\"....*Soul Visioning* is an expansive and comprehensive manual that
will help you understand your soul\'s purpose. I highly recommend this
book.\" ~Brian L. Weiss, MD, author of *Many Lives, Many Masters.*
\"...... This is a divinely inspired gift of a book for those who are
ready to be happy.\" ~Sonia Choquette, author of *Your Heart’s Desire:
Creating The Life You Really Want*.
\" .... inspiring true-life stories and practical strategies to create a
soul-guided life.\" ~Debbie Ford, NY Times best selling author, of *Why
Good People Do Bad Things*.
Further information can be obtained from [ *www.SusanWisehart.com*][1]
[1]: http://www.SusanWisehart.com