Guest Speaker: Bill Vandenbush
November 13, 2004
Seattle resident and author of "If Morning Never Comes." Vietnam Vet had his NDE in Vietnam as a result of a war injury.
On April 17, 1969, Bill VandenBush\'s life was forever changed by a
devastating war injury and a subsequent near-death experience. An
inspiring and charismatic speaker, Bill enjoys sharing his story of the
insights and lessons which he learned from an excursion into a dimension
of enlightenment. \"Spirit taught me to overcome overwhelming odds and
helped me to find my purpose in life.\"
His well-written book, \"If Morning Never Comes,\" takes one to onto the
Vietnam battlefield with sensitivity and compassion, shedding light on
the realities of the Vietman war.
Bill has appeared on *Arthur C. Clark\'s Mysterious Universe, Sightings,
Town Meetings,* several near-death experience PBS specials and others.