Guest Speaker: Dr Rajiv Parti, MD

March 8, 2014
NDEr, cardiac anesthesiologist; author; prostate cancer survivor with a miraculous healing....
In 2008 Rajiv Parti, M.D. was a world-class practicing cardiac-anesthesiologist – until his life was ripped apart following a diagnoses of prostate cancer. A routine surgery to treat it instead led to numerous complications.
Between 2008 and 2010, Dr. Parti endured chronic pain, dependency on pain medications, depression and seven surgeries, the last of which he nearly did not survive. With a fever of 105 degrees, sepsis, severe pelvic infection and in horrific pain, as he was being prepared for surgery, his consciousness separated from his body.
While on the “other side” Dr. Parti journeyed through several realms of consciousness and beyond the “light at the end of the tunnel”. During his near-death experience, he learned his life’s purpose: to be a healer of the soul, especially diseases of the soul, of the energy body, addiction, depression, chronic pain and cancer. It was only by experiencing the diseases that had befallen him personally that he could truly have empathy for – and help – others, because he now knew how it felt to be in their shoes.
In order to help people, Dr. Parti learned that he would have to leave anesthesiology and materialism behind. Miraculously, after learning these things, he returned to his body and, baffling his doctors, experienced a complete recovery from pain, sepsis, addiction and depression. Placing implicit trust and faith in the Divine, Dr. Parti now shares his experience and insights around the world through his writing, coaching and speaking engagements.
Rajiv Parti M.D. is a world-renowned specialist in pain management with over 30 years practicing clinical experience and founder of the Pain Management Institute of California, which, under his direction has served thousands of patients for acute and chronic pain relief.
In 2005 Dr. Parti personally encountered the first of a series of health challenges that led him to explore non-traditional evidence based complementary and alternative medicine. His study, exposure and experience in this field has led him to formulate an integrative approach to total wellness, especially pain management, stress and depression: the best and most practical applications of both modern medicine and the medical care charted in the ancient wisdom traditions of India and the East. His discovery of Ayurveda and his subsequent education, training and personal practice of it have given him the rigorous academic and scientific qualification that he was trained to look for as an allopathic doctor.
Dr. Parti has worked with, been in dialogue with and met with some of the world’s most esteemed researchers from Harvard, UCSD, Berkeley, Scripps Integrative in the fields of psychiatry, neuroscience, sleep medicine and pain management who are advocating the use of meditation, yoga and mantra (sound healing), and mandala (color therapy) for modern disorders.
In 2008, as a busy practicing cardiac-anesthesiologist and Chief of Anesthesiology at Heart Hospital in Bakersfield, California and enjoying life with his family—everything was turned upside down following a diagnoses of prostate cancer. Enduring seven surgeries and ensuing complications over the next two years, Dr. Parti was gifted with a near death experience that showed him his true purpose in this lifetime.
“Now it is time to be healer of the soul, especially of the diseases of soul, of the energy body, addiction, depression, chronic pain and cancer.”
The awareness that he was being given his life back specifically so that he could write and speak with the specific intent to help others suffering from chronic pain, addiction and depression profoundly changed Dr. Parti’s entire outlook and propelled him to start writing and giving seminars on spiritual wellness.
In October 2012, twenty-two months after his visit to the ‘other side', Dr. Parti published his first full-length book on the topic of spiritual healing, "The Soul of Wellness", available on Amazon.com. As well, Dr. Parti has been working with his colleagues at The Pain Management Institute of California researching the effects of meditation and yoga on narcotic requirement for pain management.
As Dr. Parti’s awareness shifts more and more towards its newly directed purpose, he accepts that he was put back on earth on a Divine path, and that his job is to follow that path faithfully and with trust. Although the future is still being formed, he feels no fear; he knows he is not alone. In his former life, he used to put people to sleep. Now he wakes them up. And he has woken up too.
As the full extent of life changes continue to unfold, Dr. Parti has recently joined the ranks of Amazon.com bestselling authors and world-renowned speakers. With four books now available on Amazon.com, he is well on his way to achieving his dream of being a #1 New York Times best selling author and TEDTalk speaker by December 31, 2015, while fulfilling his mission of helping as many people as possible seeking spiritual transformation and healing.
For more information, please see www.drrajivparti.us