Guest Speaker: Blanche Blacke

September 11, 2004
NDEr, Healer, founder of School of Chakra Energy and Shakara Ensemble Ritual Theatre.
Blanche Blacke has the gift of high sensory perception and energy
healing. She can reveal, explain and aid in healing the energetic
component of emotional, physical and other limitations through the
chakra system. She has been facilitating individual sessions of
spiritual healing since 1994.
Blanche travels extensively, facilitating individual sessions and group
classes in the U.S. and in Britain. Her program of Chakra Energy
Consciousness is a comprehensive system of understanding and learning to
change one\'s own energy patterns on-the-spot for immediate results in
the real world.
Blanche has lectured and presented workshops at the Whole Life Expo,
Body Mind Spirit Convention, Wellness Information Network and the Sound
Healers Colloquium. A professional member of the International Society
of the Study of Subtle Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), the Foundation of
Shamanic Studies, Noetic Sciences and the Sound Healers Association, she
has many endorsements.
She began performing and spiritual practice at a young age. Blanche met
her former husband, Phillip Bimstein at the age of twenty. Together,
they founded the group Phil \'n\' the Blanks and toured in sold-out
shows for six years. Their four albums and six videos were CMJ radio and
MTV hits.
In 1993, Blanches life transformed when a near-death experience
initiated a connection to the spirit realm and her healing gifts. She
left the music business, apprenticed with master shaman Joy Gardner
Gordon and began practicing spiritual healing and teaching.
1999 was pivotal, when she founded both Blanche Blackes School of
Chakra Energy Consciousness and the multi-media performance ensemble
Shakura Ensemble Ritual Theatre. She has published several articles, a
treatise on past life consciousness and is currently working on her
first non-fiction book.
A communicator to the spirit realm, Blanche can aid those who suffer
from excessive grief, unresolved issues with those who have passed,
past-life karma, exorcisms and other esoteric concerns. She is dedicated
to alleviating the suffering of the world by assisting individuals and
groups reach their highest potential for creativity, personal
achievement, happiness and physical health.
For more information, please visit her website: [
[1]: http://www.blancheblacke.com