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Image by Nick Scheerbart
Image by Nick Scheerbart

Guest Speaker: Dr. Allan Botkin, Psy.D.


December 14, 2002

Clinical Psychologist and After Death Researcher

Over the last ten years Dr. Botkin has been experimenting with
variations of a new and very powerful psychological procedure called
eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). He discovered that
one variation of this procedure results in an experience that nearly all
patients believe is actual communication with the deceased---regardless
of their prior beliefs.

This is a new, cutting edge technique in which a near-death-like state
is induced which allows someone who is grieving to meet with the
deceased on the other side and have an interactive conversation which
heals their grief. This process can take as little as 10 minutes and can
sometimes heal the grief of those who have been in therapy for years. As
of today, Dr Botkin and his colleagues have induced well over 2000 ADCs
(After Death Communications).

Dr. Allan Botkin has been a practicing psychologist since 1983. He is
currently a clinical psychologist at the VA Medical Center in North
Chicago, Illinois, where he developed the Intensive Trauma Program
(ITP), which preliminary studies indicate is one of the most effective
in the country.1 He maintains a private practice in Libertyville,

Dr. Botkins expertise in his specialty has long been respected by the
psychotherapeutic community, as indicated by the publication of Case
studies of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with
chronic post-traumatic stress disorder in the journal,
<i>Psychotherapy, </i>by Lipke and Botkin (1992). His most recent
article The Induction of After-Death Communications Utilizing
Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: A New Discovery,
appeared in the<i> Journal of Near-Death Studies, </i> Vol. 18, No. 3,
Spring 2000.

He holds a Psy.D in clinical psychology from Baylor University, an M.A.
in clinical psychology from Illinois State University, and a B.A. in
psychology from the University of Kansas. He is currently writing a book
about this new process: <i> Reconnections: A New Psychological Discovery
for Healing Grief and Trauma. </i> His most recent public discussion of
this technique was on Art Bells show in Nov, 2002.

<tt> 1The Intensive Trauma Program (ITP) at the North Chicago VA
Medical Center: A New Approach to the Treatment of Traumatic memories
presented at the PTSD Outcomes Symposium at Hines VA Medical Center,
Hines, Illinois, September 1998 by Botkin, et al. </tt>For more
information, read Dr. Botkin\'s article on the home page of
this web site, and also see Dr. Botkin\'s web site: [


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